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The selected works of T.S. Spivet

The Selected works of T.S. Spivet is a novel about a twelve year old "Autistic Savant" who embarks on a journey to redeem himself. It tests him spiritually, physically and emotionally. Every chapter is as dense as the other. For example the whole first chapter is about Tecumseh Sparrow Spivet answering the phone as his sister Gracie shucks the corn.
     It is a very interesting and different book to many I hav seen. Diagrams and little bits of information are sketched up and drawn in the page's borders. It is a great book and I would recommend it to anyone who likes details and lots of information.
My Verdict of T.S. Spivet
It is a good book that I have enjoyed reading. The illustrations are priceless and difficult to master. It is a great book for Reif Larsen to debut on and I applaud him for this one and I can only hope that he comes out with more to come. The only problem I found with it, was that it started to fall near the end. He builds it up so well and just drops it.